People need people – Find your laboring tribe

Julie Dubrouillet - childbirth educator, author and doula

We all need a community; friends, family, the guy who makes our coffee. But when you are pregnant and preparing for the big life change that comes with labor and birth, human connections are especially important.

Pregnancy, labor, and becoming a parent all have steep learning curves associated with them and one of the best ways to not be overwhelmed is to surround yourself with those who are on the same journey. Being around others who are in your same boat will help decrease anxiety and increase your enjoyment as you sail through this time.


Where can you begin to look for this tribe? Prenatal yoga classes are a good way to prepare physically for birth and connect with other moms in a relaxed, consistent way.  Pregnancy support groups are also becoming more common in hospitals and birth centers. If your physician group offers prenatal appointments in a group centering…

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